Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream – miracle for my hands!
I have always suffered with dry skin, as a baby I had Eczema which calmed down as I grew older. Now, at 34 years old my Eczema has completely gone but in its place I suffer from tremendously dry skin on my body. It appears to be particularly bad during colder months of the year so taking moisturisers everywhere I go has become my norm. I had it all under control until I recently started to get sore, itchy hands that turned very red and very hot. Then it became very painful and the palms of my hands literally began to peel.
I was losing sleep due to the stinging sensation at night, I couldn’t work because I couldn’t type on a keyboard and most of the day to day things we use our hands for became a huge struggle. I was embarrassed by their appearance and didn’t want to leave the house. After seeing my GP who told me it could be stress related I was given some steroids creams. After 2 weeks of pain and no improvements from steroid creams I started to panic as my hands seemed to be getting worse every day.
Then one day when I was complaining to a friend they suggested I try Udderly Smooth extra care cream. I was doubtful of its promises to keep dry hands at bay but tried it anyway. I decided to buy cotton gloves and smother my hands in the cream every day making sure my hands didn’t go dry. After a few days, a noticed that my hands started to look a little healthier. They pain has calmed down and I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. Over the next week and sticking with my routine of cotton gloves and cream my hands looked almost back to normal. I couldn’t recommend this enough!