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5th Apr 2020

Thank you! NHS giveaway

As we all make extra effort to stay safe and do our bit to prevent the spread of Covid-19, many of us have felt the sting of dry hands after weeks of excessive hand washing.

Just like our friends, loved ones and neighbours we have been taking to our doorsteps to applaud the incredible front line NHS hero’s for working tirelessly to keep us safe, but we wanted to pay them a special thanks too. Here at Udderly Smooth UK HQ we asked you guys to nominate the NHS workers that you wanted us to thank on your behalf. We randomly chose 10 NHS hospitals and gave them some free Udderly Smooth goodies to treat their hard working hands and tired feet. So, on behalf of all of us at Udderly Smooth UK and our lovely fans THANK YOU! Thank you for keeping us safe during these hard times, we appreciate everything that you do!

Shout out to all our NHS goodie bag winners below! 

Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Southampton General Hospital

Hereford County Hospital

Aintree Hospital

Milton Keynes Hospital

Castle Hill Hospital, East Yorkshire

Ipswich Hospital

St Austell Community Hospital in Cornwall

Northern General Hospital in Sheffield

Queen Hospital Romford