Share your MOOvelous Before & After’s!
It is so heart-warming to see how the Udderly Smooth range has helped people all over the UK and Europe with a variety of challenging skin conditions.
One of our favourite parts of our job is seeing your before and after pics which brings us real joy. Over the past few months we have been featuring your snaps and the results are MOO-valous!
We caught up with artist Kate who suffers so much with cracked painful skin due to eczema on her hands that it can stop her from doing what she loves, drawing.
We also featured Geraldine who takes care of the elderly in Dublin. After wearing a mask for hours each day, Geraldine was left with sore, red skin on her face.
Then we have Robbie who suffered from peeling hands. The pain was so bad that it stopped him from working.
Our most recent Udderly fan is Kerry who suffers from ‘Hand and Foot Syndrome’, a side affect of her Cancer treatment. Kerry’s thumbs were painfully dry with cuts all over her fingers and thumbs.
All of the lovely people I’ve mentioned above used our Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream with Urea to treat their skin problems.
Our MOO-velous customers all very kindly shared their before and after pictures and now we would like to share them with you in the hope of helping a few more people with their problem skin.
If you have a before and after story you would like to share please get in touch at press@udderlysmooth.co.uk.
For every before and after story we feature we will send you an Udderly Smooth gift as a thank you!

Kate used Udderly Smooth on her painful eczema and got back to creating her amazing artworks. .

Robbie used Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream with Urea on his peeling hands and saw a huge different after just one week

Kerry used Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream with Urea to treat her painful side effects from her chemotherapy treatment.
Join the MOO-vement!
Udderly Smooth “Amazing” Eczema Cream (Review)
We get lots of messages from our lovely customers telling us how much Udderly Smooth creams have helped them and their problem skin. We read every message and think of our customers as friends. This week we made a new friend in artist Kate Simpson who’s struggles with eczema. Sometimes it gets so bad that she can’t draw… and for an artist that can be pretty tough. We have been chatting with Kate this week and she wrote us a little piece to tell us what our Udderly Smooth Moisturising Cream has done for her.
Here is Kate’s testimonial after using Udderly Smooth for eczema
I have struggled with eczema all my life. Especially on the back of my knees and my hands they can get very sore, swollen and hot. I normally have to take an antihistamine to calm it down. I have tried everything. Prescribed medication and steroid creams, natural/hypoallergenic creams, certain soaps and even cutting out dairy.
As an artist my hands work overtime! They would split and bleed and be so sore I’d have to stop drawing (sounds pathetic I know!) I found Udderly Smooth on an Instagram story and ordered some, I will try anything to get my eczema under control. My hands aren’t as bad this time of year but still quite sore. After a week of using Udderly Smooth, the difference is amazing! I react badly to fragrances cream and this has none of that stuff. It just does exactly what it says on the pot! I would highly recommend to anyone who is struggling to find a cream. I certainly won’t be using anything else now. Kate Simpson
Hearing feedback like this really makes us love our jobs a little bit more! If you struggle with eczema and problem skin and need some help you can buy Udderly Smooth HERE. We recommend Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream with 10% Urea for more serious skin conditions.
I also urge you to take a look at Kate Simpsons incredible work on her website and her Instagram
She takes inspiration from the beautiful English countryside she lives in and captures the character of every farm yard animal she brings to life on paper.
Thanks again Kate, from the Udderly Smooth team. X

Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream – miracle for my hands!
I have always suffered with dry skin, as a baby I had Eczema which calmed down as I grew older. Now, at 34 years old my Eczema has completely gone but in its place I suffer from tremendously dry skin on my body. It appears to be particularly bad during colder months of the year so taking moisturisers everywhere I go has become my norm. I had it all under control until I recently started to get sore, itchy hands that turned very red and very hot. Then it became very painful and the palms of my hands literally began to peel.

I was losing sleep due to the stinging sensation at night, I couldn’t work because I couldn’t type on a keyboard and most of the day to day things we use our hands for became a huge struggle. I was embarrassed by their appearance and didn’t want to leave the house. After seeing my GP who told me it could be stress related I was given some steroids creams. After 2 weeks of pain and no improvements from steroid creams I started to panic as my hands seemed to be getting worse every day.

Then one day when I was complaining to a friend they suggested I try Udderly Smooth extra care cream. I was doubtful of its promises to keep dry hands at bay but tried it anyway. I decided to buy cotton gloves and smother my hands in the cream every day making sure my hands didn’t go dry. After a few days, a noticed that my hands started to look a little healthier. They pain has calmed down and I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. Over the next week and sticking with my routine of cotton gloves and cream my hands looked almost back to normal. I couldn’t recommend this enough!

Protect your hands this winter with our barrier cream
Udderly Smooth Moisturising Cream is the perfect barrier cream, forming a protective layer between you skin and the elements. Perfect for cold weather!
How do we know this? Udderly Smooth was brought to the UK by Pharmacist Andrew Magrath as he sailed around the world in the BT Challenge (and won!). Every day Andrew and his fellow sailors were battered by the elements, salty water, strong winds, cold weather and whilst in the USA they saw Udderly Smooth. As a pharmacist, Andrew was intrigued and gave it a go. It helped them combat all sorts of tough ski conditions and acted like a barrier between their skin and the elements. Read more about our story here.

During the current cold snap here in the UK, protect your skin and apply Udderly Smooth to your hands or wherever needs a little extra protection. Available in a handy 4oz tube from only £5.00 too (and a larger tub to from only £8.89) it is also great value.
Don’t just take our word for it, read our reviews here.