‘Best Budget Chamois Cream’ by Cycling Active
We are very proud to have had our Anti-Chaffing Chamois Cream reviewed recently by Cycling Active magazine. With so many chamois creams available to cyclists to prevent chaffing on the market it is great to see they saw us as one of the top in the market.
Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream was also selected as ‘Best on a Budget’ and with tubes starting at only £5.60 you can easily see why. Larger 8oz tubs start from £7.19 and can be easily bought online here.
Read more about our products for cyclists here.

Cycling Active Chamois Cream Review 1
Total Women’s Cycling Award Winners announced…
We had a great time last week at the Total Women’s Cycling Awards held at the London Bike Show. We were very proud to sponsor the award for Cycling Personality of the Year.
The event was well attending and represented the very best in women’s cycling, from the top retailers, teams and events. Well done to the TWC team on arranging a great event and congratulations to all the winners.
The Personality of the Year award went to Emma Pooley. Here is our very own Oliver collecting the award on her behalf…

Read more about the awards and view the full list of winners here.
Forbes reports on Udderly Smooth
Last month Forbes magazine in the USA reported on the success of Udderly Smooth in the US and here in the UK with storming sales of our anti-chaffing Chamois Cream for cyclists.
It is great o see Udderly Smooth being recognised by Forbes and just shows how the word is spreading around the world about our fantastic range of products.
Read the full article here.