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Udderly Smooth Gift Boxes
9th May 2020

**EXCLUSIVE** Udderly Smooth Gift Boxes…

Do you know someone who is ‘Udderly Gifted’ who deserves a MOOvellous treat?! Maybe a nurse with super dry hands & tired feet?

These EXCLUSIVE Udderly Smooth Boxes are available for a limited time only & are packed with your favourite Udderly Smooth products, fun farm themed packaging plus 10% of all profits go to NHS Charities.

We currently have 2 boxes on sale:

Udderly Smooth Hands, Body & Feet Gift Box

Udderly Smooth Oncology Care Package

Build your own box!

All include over £25 worth of products for only £20! (+p&p)

Hurry though, they are only available for a LIMITED time!


Also available…

Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream x 4 Tubes Bundle – all from only £20! (+p&p)

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-30 at 11.24.50



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