Kiss Chub Rub Goodbye!
As we enter into the summer season most of us are looking forward to everything summer brings. Barbecues, fresh fruit, ice cream….CHUB RUB?! No thanks!
We all love summertime but for many it can be a bit of a pain. So what is chub rub and why don’t we talk about it? According to The Teen Health Source “Chub Rub is that uncomfortable sensation that comes from when your thighs rub together. This condition is often much worse in hot weather. It typically affects people with thighs that naturally touch, but all kinds of people may experience chub rub.”
Chafing is a pest and it can affect us in many ways whether it’s feeling the burn from friction after wearing a dress on a hot day or blistering pain on the chest after a run. And it’s not just women who suffer, men get it too! At Udderly Smooth UK we think we need to lift the lid on chafing and start talking about it, after all there is no shame here and in the words of Lizzo (queen of body positivity) “thick thighs save lives”. We are always pleased to see our name called out on ‘best of’ lists to combat chafing with many giving us the honour of best budget hack for keeping friction at bay. At just £5.60 per tube (yes you heard me) you can beat the chafe without breaking the bank.
If you are fed up with friction, our Udderly Smooth Chamois Anti Chafe Cream with Shea Butter could be your new best friend.. But don’t just take our word for it. Hear some 5 star testimonials below
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Chub Rub
I use this amazing cream to stop ‘chub rub’ especially under the arms in hot weather when I want to wear sleeveless shirts. It is fantastic, seems to reduce sweating and even hair growth! Makes hot days much more comfortable and no more sore bits.
Not just for cyclists, Sioux
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️A Must Have
Works a treat and lasts all day. I must have if you want to wear a dress in the summer and not get sore thighs, Mrs G
Literally if you even slightly get chub rub get this it’s saved me from all of my summer pain that I usually have and normally lasts like the whole day saved me for festivals and beach trips and just wearing shorts in general, Shannon
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brilliant Product
Brilliant product! Used this while hiking in Montenegro where temps were very high. No chaffing for me. A little goes a long way, Deby
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Miracle Product
Just completed a 30 mile hike yesterday and I’m in agony. The only place on my entire body I have no pain or irritation what so ever is my thighs, when “chub rub” is something I normally struggle with badly. Before purchase, I was sceptical as to this product’s effectiveness but it really is a god send. C. J. Lambert
Udderly Smooth “Amazing” Eczema Cream (Review)
We get lots of messages from our lovely customers telling us how much Udderly Smooth creams have helped them and their problem skin. We read every message and think of our customers as friends. This week we made a new friend in artist Kate Simpson who’s struggles with eczema. Sometimes it gets so bad that she can’t draw… and for an artist that can be pretty tough. We have been chatting with Kate this week and she wrote us a little piece to tell us what our Udderly Smooth Moisturising Cream has done for her.
Here is Kate’s testimonial after using Udderly Smooth for eczema
I have struggled with eczema all my life. Especially on the back of my knees and my hands they can get very sore, swollen and hot. I normally have to take an antihistamine to calm it down. I have tried everything. Prescribed medication and steroid creams, natural/hypoallergenic creams, certain soaps and even cutting out dairy.
As an artist my hands work overtime! They would split and bleed and be so sore I’d have to stop drawing (sounds pathetic I know!) I found Udderly Smooth on an Instagram story and ordered some, I will try anything to get my eczema under control. My hands aren’t as bad this time of year but still quite sore. After a week of using Udderly Smooth, the difference is amazing! I react badly to fragrances cream and this has none of that stuff. It just does exactly what it says on the pot! I would highly recommend to anyone who is struggling to find a cream. I certainly won’t be using anything else now. Kate Simpson
Hearing feedback like this really makes us love our jobs a little bit more! If you struggle with eczema and problem skin and need some help you can buy Udderly Smooth HERE. We recommend Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream with 10% Urea for more serious skin conditions.
I also urge you to take a look at Kate Simpsons incredible work on her website and her Instagram
She takes inspiration from the beautiful English countryside she lives in and captures the character of every farm yard animal she brings to life on paper.
Thanks again Kate, from the Udderly Smooth team. X

Happy Pride Month
Udderly Smooth UK we know that equality matters. This month we celebrate Pride and whilst it might be difficult to get outside and show solidarity to the LGBTQI+ community, there are many outlets and charities you can donate to to show your support.
We offer our support and a virtual hug to the rest of the world and hope you enjoy our special Pride edition
Udderly Smooth artwork replacing the classic black cow print with a rainbow.
If you would like to donate, get support or learn more about Pride & LGBTQI+ issues click on the links below
Switchboard LGBT+ helpline
Founded in 1974, Switchboard offers an ear to those in need. They do not receive statutory support and are relying on community funds and some corporate support to keep them going.
Stonewall was founded in 1989 and is still going strong, offering advice and support to the LGBTQI+ community
The Albert Kennedy Trust
The Albert Kennedy Trust helps young people into safe housing, education, employment and training courses to help them get out of hostile environments.
Just Like US
Just Like Us offers training for teachers to help them offer more support to LGBT+ students and also run programmes in school to challenge prejudice the LGBT+ community faces in education
Wishing everyone a great Pride Month
Celebrating World Bicycle Day
Today is World Bicycle Day and we celebrate our favourite mode of transport, the bicycle. Whether you’re a racer, a slow pacer or a commuter, the bike is the gift that keeps giving and our Udderly Smooth Anti Chafing Chamois Cream (with shea butter) is the must have product to prevent chafing.
As we humans try to recover and rebuild during the Covid-19 pandemic our planet also recovers and mother nature is silently hard at work behind the scenes. With the lack of car pollution we have seen our air quality become cleaner and many of us are left wondering (where possible) if we need to use the car to get to work or should we bring out the bike. The cleanest mode of transport (besides walking) not only respects our planet but also has HUGE health benefits… and who doesn’t want to feel a little better?
Forbes tells us that “commuters who cycled to work had a 41% lower risk of dying from all causes than people who drove or took public transport. They also had a 46% lower risk of developing and a 52% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, and a 45% lower risk of developing and a 40% lower risk of dying from cancer.”
WOW!! We can’t argue with those numbers. The only downside to cycling is saddle sore but fear not… kiss chafed backsides goodbye with Udderly Smooths Anti Chafing Chamois Cream (with shea butter). This “miracle cream” works wonders on that awful burn caused by cycling. But don’t take our word for it check out our 5 star reviews from our very satisfied customers HERE.