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Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream with 10% Urea tub
10th May 2018

Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream – miracle for my hands!

I have always suffered with dry skin, as a baby I had Eczema which calmed down as I grew older. Now, at 34 years old my Eczema has completely gone but in its place I suffer from tremendously dry skin on my body. It appears to be particularly bad during colder months of the year so taking moisturisers everywhere I go has become my norm. I had it all under control until I recently started to get sore, itchy hands that turned very red and very hot. Then it became very painful and the palms of my hands literally began to peel.

robbie hands

I was losing sleep due to the stinging sensation at night, I couldn’t work because I couldn’t type on a keyboard and most of the day to day things we use our hands for became a huge struggle. I was embarrassed by their appearance and didn’t want to leave the house. After seeing my GP who told me it could be stress related I was given some steroids creams. After 2 weeks of pain and no improvements from steroid creams I started to panic as my hands seemed to be getting worse every day.

robbie hands

Then one day when I was complaining to a friend they suggested I try Udderly Smooth extra care cream. I was doubtful of its promises to keep dry hands at bay but tried it anyway. I decided to buy cotton gloves and smother my hands in the cream every day making sure my hands didn’t go dry. After a few days, a noticed that my hands started to look a little healthier. They pain has calmed down and I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. Over the next week and sticking with my routine of cotton gloves and cream my hands looked almost back to normal. I couldn’t recommend this enough!

robbie hands




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