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Idiots guide to applying Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream

‘Chamois Cream’ Art Print available at Pedal Anything

So how exactly do you apply Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream???  Rob Jude explains…

Seems quite clear cut – open the wonderfully packaged cow print tub and let the soon to be reassuring smell hit your nostrils. Marvel at the firm, solid cream which will soon be your saving grace and attempt to resist dipping a finger in prior to the crucial stage.  Now I guess the tricky bit of the straight forward application is next – you need to assume the position. You know…the awkward semi crouched stance that should be reserved for an empty room or a cramped event portaloo!


Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream

As I am of a manly persuasion, although this should apply to everyone, I invest a good minute or so ensuring that I have applied enough cream to all the ‘sensitive’ areas – you should never skimp on the application, always go for a little bit more rather than a little bit less in all circumstances and apply to any part which potentially will rub, including crucially the sit bones if cycling is involved.

90k into a hard ride or 10 miles into a marathon you won’t know it, but you will be thankful for that little bit more you used as you continue on without problem. 

I apply the cream to both my skin liberally and then a thin covering onto the pad of my shorts directly – to ensure that I haven’t missed anything. It also allows the pad within the cycling shorts to remain supple. Win win!

Hitch up shorts / tri suit, put the lid back on and strut about knowing that you’re ready for the off with one less thing to worry about.

Rob Jude Triathlon - Udderly Smooth fan

In terms of events, if like me you are of a triathlon persuasion I tend to, if you like, ‘double dip’!  I always apply some cream prior to the swim and then again top it up before the bike leg (especially if doing a 70.3 or longer) – because the cream is so durable I have never had to reapply  before the run leg of an event and never experienced any chaffing / rubbing or discomfort. The cream is always in my transition bag in T1, with the few seconds it takes saving a lot of pain later in the day!

Similarly when its cold outside and you don’t want to get the dreaded runners bleeding nipple, I apply a small amount to keep them supple and avoid any discomfort.

The cream is idiot proof to use – most people I know would suggest that is a good thing!

Click here to read more about Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream



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